So it all began this morning around 11 o'clock while I was preparing lunch. I reached up on the window ledge to grab the dish soap and I saw these little webbed feet and the end of a tale sitting right in front of my eyes...*gasp*. I got a little closer to check it out and sure enough, there it was, a tiny little lizard sitting on our window. "crap" I thought, and made some type of grossed out sound, and without thinking said, "oh please don't move or jump!" Well I no sooner said that and Josiah came around the corner to see who I was talking to, lol. I asked him if he wanted to see the gross lizard and his answer was an excited "YEAH!" When I lifted him up to see it he got soo grossed out and we both started to scream and squeal as it started moving, little by little! Josiah was hilarious...he kept saying "oh GROSS!" and "Yucky!" and was making the most hilarious faces. So I grabbed the camera and decided to make a memory of the moment. When I asked Josiah if he wanted to name it he said "YEAH!" so I said "okay, what shall we name him?" And the answer that came back was "Owie". I should probably explain that lately his favorite word has been "owie". He has learned that people can get owies and even his "te-te's" have gotten owies as he breaks them and then they have to go in the garbage. So, Owie is the lizard's name. I was totally freaked out about having this little creature in my kitchen, especially as I knew that Jorge wouldn't be home for another hour or so, so Siah helped me keep an eye on him and make sure we didn't "lose" him, as that would really creep me out! At one point I had to run into the livingroom to check on Levi, and when I got back...gasp, Owie was gone! NOOOOOOOOO! I was afraid that he might spring off the wall at me somewhere or be hiding in my dish water or something *shudders*. I told Josiah that Owie was gone, and I didn't know where he he came in looking for him a few minutes later. Well after maybe minutes or so Josiah suddenly started shouting "there's Owie Mummy!! There's Owie!" GASP, in the livingroom?! So I ran and Josiah was looking at the ground...I couldn't see him anywhere and kept asking Siah where he had spotted Owie, he then crouched down on the ground and pointed out a tiny little ant, LMBO "oh, there he go!" He says, all proud of himself, haha. Sigh. I don't think he gets it. "No, Josiah, that isn't Owie, that is an ant." "An egg?!" says Josiah...hahaha "Noooooo, an ant!" "ooohhhh", he says. Soo funny.
Anyways, after about half an hour Owie showed up again, still up by the window, just on the other side. By the time Jorge arrived home for lunch he had disappeared again and as soon as Jorge walked in the door Josiah yelled "Honey, OWIE!!" and pointed to the window. We then filled Jorge in on our story about our new little "friend" Owie and he moved some things around and sure enough, he found him! He then caught him in his hand...Josiah was in my arms..clutching to me and squealing..haha, which made Jorge mutter something that sounded a lot like "be a man." hahahahahaha! When Jorge took Owie outside to set him free that brought instant tears to Josiah's eyes and his little "No Owie, no go!" got to both of us, so we ended up grabbing a glass jar, and needless to say, we have little "owie" sitting on our diningroom table, in a jar with dirt and grass so that he feels a little more "at home". LOL. Josiah was getting ready to go for a nap and went to give Jorge and Levi a kiss and even threw a little kiss in Owie's direction and says "Bye a Owie!" Such a cutie that boy! Owie, welcome to the family.
Here are some pictures of our first meeting with Owie.

Ha ha!! I was blessed to meet Owie in person over the webcam but I wonder if he has been set free yet. The last photo with the scissors really shows how small he is. I would have absolutely died if I lost him and would have had to sit and keep an eye on him constantly! They move so quick and I am amazed that he stayed in the same place until Jorge came home. LOL at the comment by Jorge ("be a man"). I guess kids just pick up on what we are feeling (i.e. mouse on our basement landing...sorry, girls - I tried not to pass on my phobias to you but I don't think it worked)
ReplyDelete'Siah is talking SO much now! I sure do miss him and Levi - and you and Jorge, of course.
Lots of love and hugs. GOOD PHOTOS, by the way!!! Keep shooting!
hey...did you get a coffee table?
ReplyDeletehehe yep we did! Actually Jorge's Mum gave it to is so nice to have though, really fills in the living area a bit. And Josiah loves it and uses it as a train track for his "toot toot's"..haha.
ReplyDeleteLOL....sounds like you and Josiah had a fun day! It must be fun now him getting to the age where you can do "adventures" together!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog Sister...and I love you!!
Hola Mandy,
ReplyDeleteComo estas? Espero que este e-mail les encuentre bien de salud y paz aun que hace muy frio en Chile por lo que me dijo mi suegra.
Quisiera saber si recibiste mis e-mails que mande a la direccion internet que mandaste. Espero que si.
Estamos orando para ustedes y para su ministerio en Chile. Que nuestro Senor habre puertas en Yumbel para Su gloria.
Muchas bendiciones desde Canada para tu familia. Por favor, dale saludos a tu esposo tambien.
Un abrazo,
P.S. Las fotos son muy lindas.